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NEW Merch Release!

Hey everyone!

I hope you are all having an amazing weekend. I am excited to share with you the new designs I came up with for this semester's first round of merch orders! Before I get to that though, I want to highlight 3 new changes:

1) Payments will be made before ordering your item! Just use the form to see how much it would be then jot down your Venmo transaction number/check number/person you handed cash to and then put that on the form with the item you want!

2) In order to prevent more merch going missing, merch pickups will be set on a couple of specific days at the station (like office hours) and items will be securely stored until then!

3) Individuals wanting their merch delivered to them are now expected to pay $10 more! We want to ensure everyone gets their items while also not getting us into financial issues.

I do want to say that I am 100% open to feedback and questions! Also, if you have merch from last round that was either stolen or hasn't been delivered to you yet, I want you to know I haven't forgotten about you! Stolen merch will be reordered this round and the to-be-delivered alumni merch will be sent.

Without further ado, please feel free to go ham with merch here:

Merch orders close Sunday, November 3 at 11:59 PM!

P.S. If you want to share the merch rage with your friends and family, check out this social media promo the Marketing Department made!

Cheers, Danny Alvarado-Gómez Training & Recruitment Director/Marketing Director

WVBR is a local commercial radio station broadcasting from Ithaca, New York to the Counties of Tompkins, Tioga, Cortland, Cayuga, Seneca, Schuyler, and Chemung. WVBR is run by the Cornell Media Guild, Inc - a non-profit student organization that is independent and not funded nor managed by Cornell University. Our mission is to preserve local media and act as a training ground for the future generation. All views represented by our contributors solely reflect their own views, and are not necessarily endorsed by WVBR or Cornell Media Guild.

Cornell Media Guild is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

© Cornell Media Guild, Inc. 

All Rights Reserved.

604 E Buffalo St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 273-4000

Designed by Michelle Davies (2022).

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