Effective immediately, Green St. Pharmacy, 131 E. Green St., next to TCAT’s Green St. Station, no longer sells TCAT passes.
From Green St. Station, the nearest retail outlets selling TCAT passes (Tcards only, no fobs) are:
Ø Ithaca Town Hall, 217 N. Tioga St., which sells the following passes: 15-ride; half-fare 15-ride (for persons with disabilities and seniors); youth 15-ride; one-day; two-consecutive-day; five-consecutive- day, one-month; and youth semester and youth summer fun.
Ø GreenStar Market at Dewitt Mall, 215 N. Cayuga St., which sells the following passes: 15-ride; half-fare15-ride (for persons with disabilities and seniors); youth 15-ride, one-day; one-month; and youth semester and youth summer fun.
For a full list of TCAT Tcard vendors, go to https://www.tcatbus.com/ride/where-to-buy/
Passes can also be purchased at the online store athttps://store.tcatbus.com/ or over the phone to TCAT offices from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays at (607) 277-RIDE (7433).
Riders are urged to recharge their existing Tcards or fobs also through the TCAT online store at https://store.tcatbus.com/ , by calling TCAT at the above number with a credit card, or in person at TCAT, 737 Willow Ave. with check, cash or a credit card.