Historic Ithaca and Cornell University's Historic Preservation Planning (HPP) program are teaming up once again for the Ithaca City Cemetery Cleanup! Come out on Sunday, September 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a morning of cleaning and restoration projects at Ithaca's oldest burial ground. This annual event is a great opportunity to serve our community and learn more about our local history!
Cornell students, alums, and Ithaca residents are encouraged to attend. Please remember to wear your work clothes, close-toed shoes, sunscreen, and bring a water bottle. Gloves and equipment will be provided.
Meet at the shed just above the burial vaults.
For more information about the cleanup, visit our website at http://www.historicithaca.org/cemetery-cleanup/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/664421647408670/, or contact Christine O’Malley at Historic Ithaca, (607) 273-6633, or christine@historicithaca.org.