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Community invited to 4th annual “Building Unity: Cleaning the Hate”

ITHACA, NY – As hate crimes increase and partisan divisions continue to deepen, our community needs opportunities to come together in positive ways. The fourth annual “Building Unity: Cleaning the Hate” offers one such opportunity. This year’s park clean-up, organized by the Ithaca Coalition for Unity and Cooperation in the Middle East (ICUCME, pronounced “I-see-you, see-me”), will take place on Sunday, Sept. 15 in Wood Park, 401 Wood Street, Ithaca. The event will begin at 5 pm with music by Vitamin L, a project partner of the Center for Transformative Action, whose purpose is to “spread love and goodwill through music.”

The introductory concert will be followed by a vegetarian dish-to-pass, a community conversation about how we can build unity in our community and country, and a clean-up of trash around Wood and Ithaca Skate Parks. (A tent and umbrellas will be provided in case of rain.) The free event is co-sponsored by the Interfaith Center for Action and Healing and all are welcome.

“Over the years, it’s been so moving to see people come to ‘Building Unity’ from all parts of Ithaca, across the political and socioeconomic spectrum,” said Jennifer Herzog, ICUCME board member. “It’s a demonstration of how we can build community, together, right here in our own town.”

“Cleaning the Hate” events are held around the world; the idea originated with a joint Palestinian-Israeli peace organization.

ICUCME is a grass-roots anti-racist community organization working for plurality and diversity of discussions about the Middle East and other related topics, advocating for peace and security for all.  

For more information, email or see ICUCME’s website at


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