On May 4, 2024, WVBR News Director Jack Donnellan sat down with Royal D. Colle and Heike Michelsen for an hour-long interview about Beyond Borders: Exploring the History of Cornell's Global Dimensions (Cornell University Press, 2024). Colle and Michelsen, alongside Elaine D. Engst and Corey Ryan Earle, edited the book, which "highlights and celebrates Cornell University's many historical achievements and international activities going back to its founding."
Beyond Boarders is a collection of fifty-eight vignettes, penned by authors drawn from different personal backgrounds and academic disciplines. It is a unique and timely representation of the Cornell story. You can purchase it here, or at your favorite local bookstore.
Royal D. Colle is Professor Emeritus of Communication at Cornell. He has worked around the world on projects with WHO, the World Bank, FAO, and the Ford Foundation.
Heike Michelsen was Director of Programming at Cornell's Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies. She was a Senior Research Officer at the International Service for National Agricultural Research.
A podcast version of Jack's interview with Colle and Michelsen is available. Listen to it here or on any major podcasting platform under "Talk of the Town: AFTER HOURS."